Hair Loss Treatment in Nottingham

Book a hair loss consultation in Nottingham with trichologist Iain Sallis to get a definitive hair loss diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Get answers about your hair loss

Hair loss affects around two-thirds of men and one in five women. At Hairmedic, we help you come to terms with hair loss with an accurate diagnosis, and we will also specify appropriate treatments to improve your condition.

The Nottingham hair loss clinic provides private hair loss consultations with Iain Sallis, a qualified trichologist. You will get a definitive diagnosis and treatment recommendations based on scientific research and clinical results.

Various conditions cause permanent and temporary hair loss, with diffuse hair loss, genetic thinning and alopecia being widespread. We can accurately diagnose any hair/scalp conditions and create a treatment plan. The good news is most hair loss, and scalp conditions are treatable.

Hair loss treatment in Nottingham

Iain will discuss your condition with you and provide a preliminary diagnosis.

A consultation will answer all your hair loss questions, including your short and long-term prognosis. We treat hundreds of people each year and draw on this experience to help you understand your outlook.

We aim to help you understand what kind of hair loss you have. Iain is a qualified trichologist specialising in the investigation and scientific treatment of hair loss.

We know what works for certain conditions thanks to successful patient treatments, but your case is unique. A hair loss consultation in Nottingham is the best way to get treatment recommendations that are likely to work.

The NHS does not offer access to trichologists and has a long waiting list for hair loss conditions – why wait around when you don’t have to?

Why choose Hairmedic?

After all those hours researching hair loss conditions and looking for treatments, isn’t it time you got a definitive diagnosis and expert advice?

Iain Sallis will give you a definitive hair loss diagnosis so you can move forwards with treatment. You will learn about your condition, how it develops, and what you can do to slow down your hair loss and recover from it.

You can self-refer to Hairmedic, and we will review your case before the consultation so that we know what to look for before you arrive.

We know how upsetting hair loss is and how frustrating fake promises are. Rest assured, our Nottingham hair loss clinic will help you make sense of everything.